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Manage your BRAND AMBASSADORS with one app.

Automatic Promo Code Creation

Automatic Reward System

Automatic Emails


Set Up

Step 1

Download the app and set up the reward:


‣ Ambassador Reward

  What ambassadors get when they

  reach the reward

  (Example: $50 gift card)


‣ Usage Count

  How many times their promo code

  needs to be used to get the reward

  (Example: 10 times)


‣ Promo Code Discount

  The discount they get with the promo


   (Example: 10% discount)

Step 2

Set up emails or use ours


Manager will send out emails for every time the promo code is used. You can use our default emails or write your own.


Example email:


Almost there calls for a little celebration!


{promocode} has just been used for the 5th time. Here’s a *virtual air high-five* for being a 5 ☆ ambassador!




Step 3

Watch the revenue increase as your ambassadors share their promo codes


‣ Ambassadors buy more

  Ambassadors are more likely to buy

  your products because they are

  your brand ambassadors


‣ Social media engagement increases

  Brand ambassadors share their codes

  on social media and tag photos with

  your products


‣ Emails keep ambassadors motivated

  Every email is a reminder that they are

  one step closer to a reward.


1. Add a Wix Form

Add a Wix Form to one of your existing pages, or create a new one.


2. Name the Wix Form "Ambassador"

Naming it Ambassador will link the form with the Ambassador Manager app.

3. Make sure the fields are named correctly

Fields should be named: First Name, Last Name, Email. They need to be written in English. In the form settings click Contacts and then Choose Fields.


4. Add custom fields like Instagram Name

Add extra fields you want your ambassador applicants to fill out. Copy existing fields and change their names and field names as it is shown in this short video.

Add extra fields you want your ambassador applicants to fill out. Copy existing fields and change their names and field names as it is shown in this short video.

5. Make it look good!

Make the page for your ambassador applicants appealing.

Set Up
How it works

How it works

Step 1

User applies to be an ambassador through WIX Forms

Step 2

Manager creates a list of applicants. You can approve them with one click.

Step 3

Manager creates a personalized PROMO CODE and sends an ambassador the first email.

Step 4

Ambassador shares their PROMO CODE on their social media. And people use it to get a discount.

Step 5

Manager sends out an email every time the code is used.

Step 6

Manager sends out a reward every time an ambassador reaches the goal.

Step 7

Once they reach the goal, the system resets and ambassadors get another chance to get the reward.




Up to 30 ambassadors


List of ambassadors

One-click approval

Set of pre-written emails

Automatic emails

Promo code creation

Automatic reward


Over 30 ambassadors


List of ambassadors

One-click approval

Set of pre-written emails

Automatic emails

Promo code creation

Automatic reward

Contact us

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